User's Manual

Onity HT24W / HT28 Smart Quick Reference Guide 127
What to Do If …
The following section provides a quick reference answering common questions
concerning the system. The answers to these questions provide step by step
instructions to solve the problems and may refer you to other sections of this manual
for more details on a particular step.
A staff member has lost a master card …
If a staff member has lost a master card you need to make sure that the card cannot
be used if found. There are several options described in the Master cards section of
this manual.
The most secure way to lock out a lost master card is to follow these steps.
Enter the Master Users List (F11)
Highlight the lost master user in the list
Click the Cancel button at the bottom of the screen
Answer Yes to confirm that you wish to cancel this user
Select Master Canceling Card from the Masters Menu
Highlight the type of master that was lost, GM for example. The
master user that list the card will be displayed in the lower section
of the screen
Click the Encode button to make the card.
Use this card in any lock that the lost master card could open.
If the staff member needs a new card, you can re-enable (or un-cancel)
Highlight the name in the Master Users List and click the Modify
Click OK on the Modify screen and answer Yes to re-enable.
Now you can make a new card for the staff member.
Note: Any other cardholders of this type (GM in the previous example) will be
locked out of the doors by the canceling card. These users need to update their
cards with new information. This can be done at a revalidation unit or at a Onity
Our PMS interface is down …
If you have multiple encoders that are normally controlled by the PMS you can
easily convert them to operate as terminal mode encoders. Go to the Peripheral
Diagnostics option on the Maintenance Menu. Use the Change Mode feature to
change the PMS encoders to terminal mode encoders. Then, operators can log into
the terminals with their normal operator password. Once logged in, they can encode
guest keys, make copies, read cards and perform other functions that will keep the
front desk operational until the PMS is back online.