User's Manual

Onity HT24W / HT28 Smart Quick Reference Guide 129
Because it is impossible for Onity locks to work with all varieties of smart cards they
are only available through Onity. Our smart cards are pre-configured by the
manufacturer with special information that is required for operation.
We want to punch holes in our master cards to
wear them on a chain …
The trick with punching a hole in the card is picking a non-vital area for the hole.
Place the card in front of you with the graphic facing you, just like you would insert
it into a lock. Punch the hole within ½ inch of the top right corner of the card.
When should we replace our cards …
When the cards become scratched, or the plastic can be seen through the magnetic
stripe, they should be replaced. It is important to note that many times, the leading
edge of the magnetic stripe will wear before the rest of the stripe. If you have a
question, compare the card to a new card. If the stripe has receded from the edge,
replace it.
Guest card will not open the door – red light
A quick red light indicates that the lock has properly read the card, and made an
informed decision to reject the card. Begin by using the READ function of the front
desk console. Most problems of this nature begin with the encoding process. As a
final step, you may proceed to the door with the guest card and the Portable
Programmer. Use the following checklist to assist you:
1. Read the card. What is the expiration date and time? Has the card
2. Was the card made for the proper room number?
3. Has another guest been checked into the same room, voiding the
original guest card?
4. Take the Portable Programmer to the door. Connect the PP to the lock,
turn it on, and press the MENU key until the word Test appears on the
display. Do not push any buttons. Insert the guest card in the lock. The
PP will display the reason that the card does not work in the lock.
Guest card will not open the door – flashing red
This means that the lock was blocked with a blocking card. Assign the guest to
another room or use the blocking card again to unblock the lock.
Guest and staff cards will not open the door –
flashing red and green lights
A flashing red and green indicator means the privacy indication has been activated.
Since this is only accomplished from inside the room, the room is probably occupied.