User's Manual

Onity HT24W / HT28 Smart Software - HT24W / HT28 Smart 31
General Tab
1. Enter the name of this user. Entering the full and correct name will
help you to find this user in the list in the future when you need to
encode a new card or cancel this user.
2. The Master Template determines where this master card can be used.
For example, a master template called 2
FLOOR HM, would be used
to access guest rooms and housekeeping closets on the second floor.
3. Now you must select a shift for this Master User. The shift limits the
time that a card will work in the locks to a specific time window. Enter
shift number 0 to allow 24 hour access or refer to your property
paperwork to select the appropriate shift number for this user.
4. Next, you can choose if this Master User has certain special privileges.
To select a privilege, click the appropriate option button or press the
space bar when the option is hi-lighted. All special privileges are
explained below.
Override Privacy – This privilege allows the card to enter guest
rooms even if a guest has activated the privacy indicator.
With Office Function – This privilege allows the Master User to
place certain doors into Office Mode so that they remain unlocked.
Override Blocking – This privilege allows the master card to enter
a room that has been blocked by the Blocking Card.
5. Now, select any authorizations that this user will have. Authorizations
allow access to amenity areas, such as pools or exercise facilities.