User's Manual

Onity HT24W / HT28 Smart Software - HT24W / HT28 Smart 63
1. Select Door Transactions from the Security Menu. Then select the
Filter button
2. Use the drop down box next to Door to select the door or doors you
would like to see..
3. Using the date filter, you can limit the openings you see to only those
in the time frame that interests you.
4. The Function Filter can further limit your search to only those openings
that interest you. You can view all openings, only the openings for a
particular guest room, special operations, or openings of a particular
master card. Special operations include the use of the Exit Button,
Spare Cards, Programming Cards, Canceling Cards, and other
operations that might interest you. All available options are included in
the selection list.
5. Select whether you want to show all transactions, only openings, or
only events. Events include cards denied for many reasons. You can
select which types of events you want to see by checking the boxes to
the right of the screen.
6. When you are satisfied with your filter criteria, click the OK button to
view the openings. If the list of openings does not contain the event
you were searching for, you can modify your filter at any time. To
reset all the filters back to the default, click the Reset button.
The Openings List
The openings list is a table showing all of the openings from the selected peripheral
that match your filter criteria. The table shows the date, time, and which card was
The table shows the openings in Real Time. This means that if someone uses their
card in this peripheral, you will see a record of the opening within moments of the