User's Manual

66 Software - HT24W / HT28 Smart Onity HT24W / HT28 Smart
Code status - reports whether the card that was used has a new code or
the same code. When a lost master card is replaced, the new card gets a
new code.
Guest status – reports whether a guest canceling card has been used in
the lock, if a spare card is currently being used, if a suite card is being
used, or if a normal guest card is being used.
Other Options – Real Time
If you are using several revalidation units around your property, the system
continually checks for updates from the devices. Each time an update occurs the
new information is placed at the bottom of the list.
If you want to scroll through the list be sure the Real Time box is unchecked so your
data will not be changing while you are browsing through it.
Other Options – Count
By clicking the Count button you can see the number of records that matched your
filter criteria.
Lock Status Report
Available only with
T28 Smart!
The lock status report will show you the most recent information about the locks in
your hotel based on the collection of all of the data on the smart cards carried by the
master users or guests.
Although in most cases you only need to see the most recently collected information,
this report will show you up to 9 records per lock. For example, you may want to
view more than one record to know if you have had low battery indications for
several days.
The report displays the following information:
Room number