User's Manual

78 Hardware Onity HT24W / HT28 Smart
1. Rear View 8. Battery Access Cover
2. Side View 9. Battery Access Cover Screw
3. Front View 10. Portable Programmer Connection
4. Privacy Indicator Connection 11. Mounting Posts
5. Clear Button 12. Spindle
6. Light Indicators 13. Escutcheon Screws
7. Card Insertion Slot 14. Back Cover Screws
[HT24 shown above]
Modes of Operation and
Capabilities – HT24 Lock
and ADVANCE Magnetic
stripe lock
Standard Guestroom
Mode / Suite Mode
The standard operation
magnetic stripe lock /
HT24 lock is normal
guest room mode. In
this mode, a single guest
card code is allowed to
enter along with any
selected master cards.
To gain access, the card
must have the proper
site code, the correct
card code, any
applicable authorization,
and be within the
activation and
expiration dates.
[ADVANCE (Magnetic
Stripe lock )]
Foyer Mode
A foyer lock does not keep an audit trail or card codes. To gain