User's Manual

90 Hardware Onity HT24W / HT28 Smart
Smart Cards
In addition to traditional magnetic stripe cards, the HT28 lockset will read and write
to microprocessor cards and memory cards. Smart cards can store a great deal more
data than magnetic stripe cards, and magnets or small scratches that will destroy the
information on a magnetic card cannot damage smart cards.
A variety of smart cards are available on the market today and all of them have
different features and capabilities. The Onity HT28 Smart system can work with
several different types of smart cards and memory cards – each with its own features
and costs. The section below offers a brief description of the cards offered and
approved by Onity.
Memory Cards
Memory cards, like magnetic cards, can be freely written or read. Data on the card is
not password protected. Because of the lack of special security features, memory
cards are usually less expensive than microprocessor cards. It is for this reason that
memory cards should only be used for guest cards, NEVER for staff cards.
Microprocessor Cards
Microprocessor cards are really 'smart' cards. They are equipped with a tiny
microprocessor chip that can perform fairly complicated tasks such as password
protection and data encryption. Microprocessor cards can typically handle a much
larger amount of data than memory cards. Microprocessor cards are the only cards
that should be used for staff cards.
Card Care – Smart Card
Smart cards have the benefit of having powerful electronics in a convenient package,
and they should last for many uses. However, cards may become damaged quickly
without proper care. A smart card is a small computer and needs to be treated with
reasonable care.
Make sure the cards are clean. Dirt and grime can scratch the gold
colored contacts on the card. If the readers and encoders cannot make
proper contact with the card, no data can be transferred.