
USB Playback
This section explains how to play music files on a USB Flash device.
Connect a USB Flash device as shown below.
Display during Stop
When all music files of a USB Flash device have been
played, playback will repeat from the top music file in
the folder organization. The type of repeat playback
can be selected (see page 41).
Selecting Music files
Press the [ ] button repeatedly to select previous
While playback is stopped, pressing the [ ] button
will select the previous file.
Press the [ ] button repeatedly to select next file.
Selecting Music files in other folders
1 Press the [DISPLAY] button to display the
current folder name.
2 To select the previous folder, press the [ ]
To select the next folder, press the [ ] button.
3 Press the [DISPLAY] button to display the file
4 Use the [ ] or [ ] buttons to select a file.
See page 31 for “Selecting a Folder during
Do not connect the receivers USB port to a USB
port on your computer. Music on your computer
cannot be played through the receiver in this way.
Operation with all USB Flash devices including the
ability to power them is not guaranteed.
Do not connect your USB Flash device via a USB
hub. The USB Flash device must be connected
directly to the receivers USB port.
If the USB Flash device contains a lot of data, the
receiver make take a while to read it.
Insert USB Flash device.
Select “USB” using the [USB] button
on the remote controller or the
[INPUT] knob on the stereo receiver.
When no USB Flash device is connected,
“USB No Media” will appears.
When there is no MP3, WMA or AAC
file in the USB Flash device, “No File”
will be displayed.
To start playback, press the Play [ ]
Playback will start with the top file in the
folder organization (see page 29, File #1).
To stop playback:
Press the Stop [ ] button.
To pause playback:
Press the Pause [ ] button. The Pause
indicator appears. To resume playback,
press the Play [ ] button again.
Total number of folders
Total number of files
USB indicator