
Listening to the Radio—Continued
You can also use the front panel controls.
1 Select the preset you want to copy (see page 50).
2 Push the [MULTI JOG] control, and then turn it to
select “PresetCopy?”.
3 Push the [MULTI JOG] control.
4 Turn the [MULTI JOG] control to select the
destination preset.
5 To copy the preset, push the [MULTI JOG] control.
If you favorite station is stored in preset #5 and you
want to make it preset #1, copy preset #5 to preset #1.
To keep the station that’s already stored in preset #1,
you may want to copy it to an unused preset first.
Erasing a Preset’s Name
You can also use the front panel controls.
1 Select the preset whose name you want to erase (see
page 50).
2 Push the [MULTI JOG] control, and then turn it to
select “NameErase?”.
3 To erase the preset’s name, push the [MULTI JOG]
To copy the preset, press [ ].
If no station has yet been stored in the
destination preset, the station is copied and
“Complete” appears.
If a station has already been stored in the
destination preset, the message
“Overwrite?” appears.
To overwrite the previously stored station,
press [ ].
To not overwrite the previously stored
station, press the [MENU/NO] button.
Select the preset whose name you
want to erase (see page 50).
Press the [MENU/NO] button, and
then use the Previous and Next
[ ]/[ ] buttons to select
To erase the preset’s name, press
the [MODE/YES] or [ ] button.
The preset’s name is erased and
“Complete” appears on the display.