Instruction manual

Getting to Know the CD receiver—Continued
a SLEEP indicator
Lights up when the Sleep function has been set.
b USB indicator
The CD receiver lights up on detecting a USB mass
storage device.
c File format indicators
Lights up when an MP3 file is loaded.
Lights up when a WMA file is loaded.
d FOLDER indicator
Lights up when a folder number or name is being
e DIRECT indicator
Lights up when the Direct function is on.
f S.BASS indicator
Lights up when the Super Bass function is on.
g MUTING indicator
Flashes while the CD receiver is muted.
h Playback mode indicators
Lights up when 1-folder playback is selected.
Lights up when memory playback is selected.
Lights up when random playback is selected.
Lights up when repeat playback is selected for all
Lights up when repeat playback is selected for one
i Play and pause 1/3 indicators
The Play indicator lights up for playback. The Pause
indicator lights up while playback is paused.
j TIMER indicators
Show the status of the timers.
Lights up when a timer has been programmed.
1, 2, 3, 4:
Light up when a timer has been programmed.
Lights up when a timer has been programmed for
k Tuning indicators
Lights up when Auto Tuning is selected, and disap-
pears when Manual Tuning is selected.
Lights up when the CD receiver is tuned to a radio
Lights up when the CD receiver is tuned to a stereo
FM station.
Lights up when the CD receiver is tuned to a radio
station that supports RDS (Radio Data System).
l FILE indicator
Lights up when a music file number or name is
being displayed.
m TRACK indicator
Lights up when a CD track number is being dis-
n TITLE, ARTIST, and ALBUM indicators
TITLE lights up when the title (ID3 tag) of a music
file is being displayed.
ARTIST lights up when the artist name from a
music file (ID3 tag) is being displayed.
ALBUM lights up when the album name from a
music file (ID3 tag) is being displayed.
o DISC, TOTAL, and REMAIN indicators
These indicators light up when the total time or the
remaining disc or track time is being displayed.
p Message area
Various information is displayed here, including
radio preset numbers, tuning frequency, current
time, volume level, sleep time, mode settings, and
so on.
9 bk bl bm bn bo bp bq
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