User Manual

Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2014
May, 2014 Rev. 0
1 Publication Order Number:
Off‐line Critical Conduction
Mode PFC LED Driver
Evaluation Board
User's Manual
Value Unit
Input Voltage Range 90 305 V rms
Line Frequency Range 45 – 66 Hz
Output Current 700 mA
Output Voltage Range 10 – 41 V dc
Maximum Output Power 25 W
Power Factor (Typical) 0.99
THDi (Typical) < 10 %
Efficiency (Typical) 87.5 %
The NCL30060 is intended to control a high performance
critical conduction mode (CrM) LED driver providing high
power factor and low total harmonic distortion of input
current utilizing constant on-time control. This evaluation
board provides constant current (CC) to the load over a wide
LED string voltage range.
The NCL30060 provides many features including high
voltage start-up, direct drive for external power MOSFET,
frequency dithering to reduce the EMI profile, maximum
on-time protection, over voltage protection, and short circuit
protection. These features work together to provide a robust
LED driver solution packaged in a compact SO-7 case with
one pin removed for improved creepage distance.
As configured, this evaluation board provides 700 mA
constant current at up to 25 W and directly interfaces to
a string of LEDs. This evaluation board supports 110 V
and PWM dimming control signals referenced to low
voltage secondary circuits. The default configuration
supports standard 110 V dimming. The evaluation board
will support PWM dimming by populating alternate
component positions provided on the PCB.
An in-depth description of constant on-time control and
performance of a single stage flyback LED driver can be
found in the datasheet of a related controller,
This manual also addresses modifications to change the
output current and output voltage ranges. The NCL30060
specification contains additional information on operation
of the controller. Design calculations are presented in an
Worksheet available at to aide in
customized design applications.
The compact evaluation board is constructed with
through-hole components on the top and surface mount
components on the bottom side. This driver was designed to
meet safety agency requirements but has not been evaluated
for compliance. When operating this board, observe safe
standard working practices. High voltages are present and
caution should be exercised when handling or probing
various points to avoid personal injury or damage to the
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the top and bottom sides of the
evaluation board. AC input power connects to the block
labeled J1. Terminals are marked “L” and “N” representing
Line and Neutral leads. The LED load connects to the
terminal block labeled J2 with polarity as marked.
The anode of the LED load should be connected to “+” and
the cathode to “” terminal. Never connect LEDs to the
driver while it is running or before the output capacitors
discharge after removing input power. With no load
connected, the output capacitors charge to > 44 V. Energy
stored in the output capacitance can damage or shorten the
effective life of the LEDs if improperly discharged into the
The schematic for the power section is shown in Figure 3,
and dimming schematic is shown in Figure 4.
Dimming control is accessible through the smaller
connector labeled J31. Components have already been
placed on the board to support standard 110 V dimming
where a 10 V level provides full output current and 1 V or
below reduces the LED current to a minimum level.
The response between 1 and 10 V is linear in terms of LED
This evaluation board will also support PWM dimming
control by populating the board with the appropriate
components as listed on the evaluation board Bill of
Materials. The board was not intended to support both
dimming methods simultaneously; therefore only
components for one type of interface should be fitted at
a time.
The dimming interfaces are optional and do not require
any connections if dimming is not required. This evaluation
board does not support phase-cut or TRIAC dimming
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Summary of content (13 pages)