Calc Guide

6) Click Yes. You have now copied the formulas into each cell while maintaining
the format you set up in the original worksheet. Of course, in this example you
would have to tidy the worksheet up by removing the zeros in the non-
formatted rows.
Figure 153: Linking Sheets: Copy Paste Special from K7...N17
OOo default is to paste all the attributes of the original cell(s) - formats,
notes, objects, text strings and numbers.
The Function Wizard can also be used to accomplish the linking. Use of this Wizard is
described in detail in the section on Functions.
Understanding functions
Calc includes over 350 functions to help you analyze and reference data. Many of
these functions are for use with numbers, but many others are used with dates and
times, or even text. A function may be as simple as adding two numbers together, or
finding the average of a list of numbers. Alternatively, it may be as complex as
calculating the standard deviation of a sample, or a hyperbolic tangent of a number.
Typically, the name of a function is an abbreviated description of what the function
does. For instance, the FV function gives the future value of an investment, while
BIN2HEX converts a binary number to a hexadecimal number. By tradition, functions
are entered entirely in upper case letters, although Calc will read them correctly if
they are in lower or mixed case, too.
A few basic functions are somewhat similar to operators. Examples:
+ This operator adds two numbers together for a result. SUM() on the other hand
adds groups of contiguous ranges of numbers together.
* This operator multiplies two numbers together for a result. PRODUCT() does the
same for multiplying that SUM() does for adding.
Chapter 7 Using Formulas and Functions 175