Calc Guide

Syntax Description
EDATE(start_date; months)
The result is a date a number of Months away from
the given Start_date. Only months are considered;
days are not used for calculation. Months is the
number of months.
Returns the date of the last day of a month which
falls Months away from the given Start_date.
Months is the number of months before (negative)
or after (positive) the start date.
HOUR(number) Returns the hour, as an integer, for the given time
value. Number is a time value.
Determines whether a given date falls within a leap
year. Returns either 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE).
MINUTE(number) Returns the minute, as an integer, for the given time
value. Number is a time value.
MONTH(number) Returns the month, as an integer, for the given date
value. Number is a time value.
end_date; type)
Calculates the difference, in months, between two
date values. Date_1 is the start (earlier) date.
Date_2 is the end date. Type is one of two possible
values, 0 (interval) or 1 (in calendar months). If
Date_2 is an earlier date than Date_1, the result is a
negative number.
NETWORKDAYS(start _date;
end_date; holidays)
Returns the number of workdays between start_date
and end_date. Holidays can be deducted.
Start_date is the date from which the calculation is
carried out. End_date is the date up to which the
calculation is carried out. If the start or end date is a
workday, the day is included in the calculation.
Holidays (optional) is a list of holidays. Enter a cell
range in which the holidays are listed individually.
NOW() Returns the computer system date and time. The
value is updated when your document recalculates.
NOW is a function without arguments.
SECOND(number) Returns the second, as an integer, for the given time
value. Number is a time value.
TIME(hour; minute; second) Returns the current time value from values for hours,
minutes and seconds. This function can be used to
convert a time based on these three elements to a
decimal time value. Hour, minute and second must
all be integers.
Returns the internal time number from a text
enclosed by quotes in a time entry format. The
internal number indicated as a decimal is the result
of the date system used under OOo to calculate date
402 3.3 Calc Guide