Calc Guide

Syntax Description
INDEX(reference; row; column;
Returns the content of a cell, specified by row and
column number or an optional range name.
Reference is a cell reference, entered either
directly or by specifying a range name. If the
reference consists of multiple ranges, the reference
or range name must be enclosed in parentheses.
Row (optional) is the row number of the reference
range, for which to return a value. Column
(optional) is the column number of the reference
range, for which to return a value. Range
(optional) is the index of the subrange if referring
to a multiple range.
Returns the reference specified by a text string.
This function can also be used to return the area of
a corresponding string. Reference is a reference
to a cell or an area (in text form) for which to
return the contents.
search_vector; result_vector)
Returns the contents of a cell either from a one-row
or one-column range or from an array. Optionally,
the assigned value (of the same index) is returned
in a different column and row. As opposed to
VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP, search and result
vectors may be at different positions; they do not
have to be adjacent. Additionally, the search vector
for the LOOKUP must be sorted, otherwise the
search will not return any usable results. The
search supports regular expressions.
Search_criterion is the value to be searched for;
entered either directly or as a reference.
Search_vector is the single-row or single-column
area to be searched. Result_vector is another
single-row or single-column range from which the
result of the function is taken. The result is the cell
of the result vector with the same index as the
instance found in the search vector.
lookup_array; type)
Returns the relative position of an item in an array
that matches a specified value. The function
returns the position of the value found in the
lookup_array as a number. Search_criterion is the
value which is to be searched for in the single-row
or single-column array. Lookup_array is the
reference searched. A lookup array can be a single
row or column, or part of a single row or column.
Type may take the values 1, 0, or –1. This
corresponds to the same function in Microsoft
Excel. The search supports regular expressions
412 3.3 Calc Guide