Impress Guide

If you use Impress frequently, a library of well-defined graphics styles is an invaluable
tool for speeding up the process of formatting your work according to your taste or
any style guidelines you may need to follow (company colors, fonts and so on).
Use the Styles and Formatting window to access styles you will need often. If the
window is not visible, press F11, or click the Styles and Formatting icon at the left-
hand end of the formatting bar, or select Format > Styles and Formatting from the
menu bar. Press F11 again when the dialog box is not needed, to maximize the
workspace area.
Linked graphics styles
Graphics styles support inheritance; that is, a style can be linked to another (parent)
style so that it inherits all the formatting settings of the parent. You can use this
property to create “families” of styles.
For example, if you need multiple boxes that differ in color but are otherwise
identically formatted, the best way to proceed is to define a generic style for the box
including borders, area fill, font, and so on and a number of hierarchically dependent
styles which differ only in the fill color attribute. If later you need to change the font
size or the thickness of the border, it is sufficient to change the parent style and all
the other styles will change accordingly.
Creating graphics styles
You can create a new graphics style in two ways:
Using the Style dialog box
From a selection
140 3.3 Impress Guide