Instruction manual

For best performance, the load presented by the speaker has to match the amplifier's output impedance. Refer to the
manufacture's information for your speaker nominal impedance. All the vacuum tube amplifier made by Opera audio
are factory set to match the speakers at 8 ohms and 4 ohms.
If you have a problem
Legal consumer protection varies from country to country. A problem may be due to a fault in any part of the system or
its installation so it is essential to make full use of your local dealer’s diagnostic skills on site. Please contact your local
distributor, or Opera Audio at the address in the back of this manual, if any difficulties cannot be resolved. Some
Consonance equipment is made in special versions for different territories and this makes it impracticable to arrange
international guarantees. Please establish the guarantee arrangements with your own dealer at the time of sale. We
are always available to offer help and advice.
It is essential that repairs and updates are only carried out by an authorized Consonance dealer, or at the factory by
Opera Audio itself. Many components are made, tested or matched specially for Consonance and appropriate
replacements are often unobtainable from non-specialist sources.
The equipment should be serviced by opera audio company or any qualified service personnel when:
The Power-supply cord or plug has been damaged.
Objects have fallen or liquid has been spilled into the equipment.
The equipment does not appear to act normally or exhibits a marked change in performance.
The equipment has been dropped or the enclosure damaged.
Our dealer will have all relevant information about the service in your area and will ensure that you unit is serviced
without delay. If for some reason, there are no service facilities available in your area, please ship the equipment to the
following address:
The Opera Audio Co., Ltd.
NO.2 JiuXianQiaoLu Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Post Code: 100015, Tel: 86 10 64377091, Fax: 86 10 64377465
You are responsible for all shipping charges, insurance, re-importation to your country, and duty arrangements. When
shipping a product to factory for service, always include the following:
A sales slip or other proof of purchase if repair is claimed under warranty.
A proforma invoice with value of the goods, stating that the amplifier is returned to china for repair.
An accompanying letter describing faults, symptoms or problems with the amplifier.
Always ship the amplifier in its original carton and packaging material to prevent damage in transit.
The Opera Audio will not accept responsibility for any damage caused in transit, no matter whatever caused.
Consonance equipment is designed to offer the finest sound quality that can be achieved, avoiding compromise
wherever possible. This can lead to circumstances that may be unfamiliar. The material that follows contains advice
specifically related to Consonance equipment as well as more general warning about the use of domestic audio
products. Please read it carefully.
The transformers in Consonance power amplifiers and power supplies may sometimes make a mechanical noise
caused by distortion of the mains waveform. Consonance transformers are large in size and have heavy gauge
secondary windings making them relatively sensitive to such distortion. A separate mains circuit for your hi-fi system
may reduce the effect while also giving an overall improvement in sound quality. It may be necessary however to take
account of mechanical transformer noise when placing your equipment.
In some circumstances, depending on where you live and the grounding arrangements in your home, you may
experience radio frequency interference. Controls on broadcasting in some territories allow very high levers of radio
frequency radiation and both the choice and exact place of equipment may be critical. If there is a known problem in
your locality it is advisable to arrange for a home demonstration before purchase to find out if Consonance equipment