User manual

Expert mode allows you to take more professional photos under more
precise settings.
Open "Camera", tap "MORE" at the bottom left corner and then choose
The options that can be set manually include sensitivity (ISO), shutter
speed (S), white balance (WB), focus (AF / MF), exposure compensation
(EV), etc. Click on each option and slide the lower slider to the left or
right. Adjust specific values. Click the button to switch the parameter
value between automatic and manual.
Sensitivity adjustment: The lower the ISO, the smoother the photo will
be. The higher the ISO, the louder the random background noise will
become and the more distracting the quality will be.
Adjusting the shutter speed: The shutter speed determines how long the
sensor is exposed to light. If you take a photo of a moving object, for
example, a running child, then you need to increase the shutter speed.
White balance: White balance is closely relevant to color temperature.
Under different lighting conditions, different color casts could be created.
For example, it can be of the slight blue cast under the light source of