User's Manual

time believing you are reading from a screen and not a real
book. Your eyes will thank you!
A World of Books at Your Fingertips – Thousands of titles
from the most popular authors are all waiting for you in our
eBook Mall. You can explore their bookshelves from the
comfort of your favorite chair. Your purchases are
downloaded directly to your device in no time at all.
Powerful Reading Tools –Did you read something you need
to remember? No worries—easily bookmark the page. Adjust
the size of the text, search the text, or find definitions. These
are just a few of the many tools you will discover.
Transfer Your Own Documents – Copy or transfer your own
documents directly to the device without any additional
software or fees. Just connect to a computer and drag and
drop to your heart’s content.
A Library in Your Pocket – Never again will you have to
decide what books to bring with you on vacation. Now you
can take them all! The 2GB memory card gives you plenty of
room to keep all your favorites, plus you can change cards to
expand your collection.
If you haven’t yet registered your device, please follow the
printed instructions that came with your device.
You must
create an Adobe® ID and register it on your device
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