User's Manual

CRD-3301 SS08xxx
a) No hand shaking
The scanner attempts the communication regardless of the state of the host computer.
Flow control is not executed for the Bluetooth interface. For the scanner (OPR-3301),
RTS is always enabled.
Figure7: No Handshaking
The scanner and the host computer notify each other of their state and whether they can
receive data with BUSY/READY through an RTS line. They can communicate state to each
other through a CTS line when connected as in the following figure.
Flow control is executed for the Bluetooth interface.
The cradle stays ON (is able to receive data) except while it is transmitting data via IrDA or
RS-232C interfaces. The cradle checks the CTS line before transmitting data. When it is ON,
the cradle transmits data. When it is OFF, the cradle waits for it to turn ON within a set time.
When the CTS line is not ON within a specified period, the cradle will blink the red LED to
indicate it. The Flow Control timeouts are as follows, and the default setting is
“indefinitely“ (I0).