Use Instructions

Instructions For Use
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IFU-3M001-EN-00 (2021.03.05)
LOAA(Lab on An Array) Real-Time PCR Instrument
through people's normal activities. Thus, very small amounts (molecules) can be also amplified by PCR in
subsequent operation, which may be identified to be positive in LOAA Analyzer device. Handle all broken
cartridges as if they could contaminate the work area.
Biological risk:
If the cartridge contains potentially infectious substance, there is a risk of biological contamination as well as
sample contamination.
6.2.1. Cleaning materials
This list contains items required to keep the pollution level to a minimum in the laboratory.
Sterile distilled water in a squeeze bottle or a spray bottle
RNAZap or equivalent RNA degradation system
Soft cloth
Cotton swabs
6.2.2. LOAA Sample Loader (Model name: POSTMAN) decontamination
Regular cleaning of the LOAA Sample Loader POSTMAN uses a cotton swab moistened with sterile distilled water and two
sheets of wet wipes each time a new cartridge is loaded.
If the sample has been spilled or a cartridge has leaked, perform the following decontamination procedure.
1) Wear clean personal protective equipment such as laboratory gowns and gloves.
2) Moisten a cotton swab with RNAZap or equivalent RNA degradation system solution and wipe the inside of
the front center and the inside of the guide. Replace gloves.
3) Dampen a soft cloth with distilled water and wipe the entire sound pressure device.
4) Repeat step 3 with new gloves and cloth.
6.2.3. Decontamination related to Dr. PCR Cartridge leakage
If a cartridge leaks, follow the below precautions to prevent contamination.
1) Wear clean personal protective equipment such as laboratory gowns and gloves.
2) Ensure that no one is using equipment or potentially contaminated areas until decontamination is completed.
3) Use the following steps to remove contamination from devices the work area and dispose of cartridges.
a. Disposed of potentially contaminated gloves and wear clean gloves.
b. Dispose of potentially contaminated laboratory gowns and wear clean laboratory gowns.
c. Dispose of the leaked cartridge in a biological hazardous container.
d. Replace gloves.
e. Follow the guidelines below to clean devices and affected work areas.
Use only 5% leach solution and/or distilled water to remove contaminants from devices and sound pressure