Use Instructions

Instructions For Use
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IFU-3M001-EN-00 (2021.03.05)
LOAA(Lab on An Array) Real-Time PCR Instrument
V. Indicators of LOAA Analyzer
A. Safety indicator attached on LOAA Analyzer
Safety symbol
Do not operate at low temperature.
It may occur malfunction due to condensed water vapor.
Pay attention to the door operation.
Be careful when open and close the door.
Do not force open or close the door.
WARNIG! Risk of electrical shock!
Do not disassemble the equipment.
There is a risk of electric shock.
Warning; Hot surface
To warn of a hot surface
B. Electric indicator of LOAA Analyzer
Symbol and indicator
Indicates the ‘ON/OFF’ switch of the main power.
C. Environmental indicator of LOAA Analyzer
Symbol and indicator
Do not dispose of LOAA Analyzer as unsorted waste.
In order to minimize the environmental impact of wasted
electric and electronic equipment, please comply with
applicable laws and regulations on wastes.