Materials) and ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and receive certification from UL (Underwriters
Laboratories). In order for chaps to have an OSHA rating, they must be made out of cut-resistant material and
provide coverage from the beginning of the thigh to the top of the boot on each leg. ASTM has two standards
for chaps: a standard for the performance of chaps (ASTM F1897-14) and a standard for testing chaps (ASTM
F1414). Chainsaw chaps with the UL label meet ASTM’s performance and testing standards.
When evaluating the material of chainsaw chaps, research the number of layers as well as how thick they are.
Each chap has a different number of layers – the more layers the better. Oregon’s Apron Chaps and Full-Wrap
Chaps are made from 8 layers of fabric. When evaluating the thickness of chap layers for the term denier –
this measurement denotes how thick chaps are. Pay attention to sizing in order to maximize your protection
from injury. The length given for a pair of chaps is the overall length – not the length of the inseam.