User`s manual

RAID Level
You can set the storage volume as JBOD, RAID 0, RAID 1. RAID configuration is
usually required only when you first set up the device. A brief description of each
RAID setting follows:
RAID Levels
Level Description
JBOD The storage volume is a single HDD with no RAID support. JBOD
requires a minimum of 1 disk.
RAID 0 Provides data striping but no redundancy. Improves performance
but not data safety. RAID 0 requires a minimum of 2 disks.
RAID 1 Offers disk mirroring. Provides twice the read rate of single disks,
but same write rate. RAID 1 requires a minimum of 2 disks.
If the administrator improperly removes a hard disk that should not be
removed when RAID status is degraded, all data will be lost.
Building a RAID volume may take time, depending on the size of hard drives
and RAID mode. In general, while the RAID volume building process is up to
“RAID Building” then the data volume is capable to be accessed.
Creating RAID destroys all data in the current RAID volume. The data is