User's Manual Part 2

Read this before recording on disc
Types of disc
You can use DVD-RW and DVD-R discs to record video.
DVD-RW (VR mode)
This mode involves multiple editing functions.
Various editing options using a created Playlist.
DVD-RW (Video mode)/-R
Simple editing (renaming titles).
For more information on recording format, see “Recording for-
mat” (page 10).
Recording modes
There are 4 modes for recording on disc. Recording time and quality
vary according to mode.
Recording time above is based on a 4.7GB disc.
Since DVD recording is performed using VBR (Variable Bit Rate), re-
cording time varies according to the recorded content.
To know the correct recording time, stop recording and check the me-
dia information. (See page 35.)
Disc remaining time
VR mode
Recording is possible as long as there is available space on the disc.
(Finalized discs can be recorded by cancelling the finalization, see
“UNDO FINALIZE” on page 28.)
Erasing unnecessary title frees up available space on the disc. (Titles
can be erased from finalized discs by first undoing the finalization.
See “UNDO FINALIZE” on page 28.)
Video mode
Up until the disc is finalized, recording is possible as long as there is
available space on the disc. (Once the disc has been finalized, addi-
tional recording and erasing are not possible.)
The remaining time cannot be increased, nor can recorded title be
Titles cannot be erased nor can recorded titles be overwritten.
This section explains things you must
know to record onto a disc. Read it
before attempting to record.
Recording time can change for the
following reasons.
When image quality is poor as dur-
ing poor TV reception.
When recording on a disc that has
been edited before.
When the video is followed with re-
cordings of still images or just au-
Should a power failure occur or
should the AC cord plug be discon-
nected while recording, editing, ini-
tializing, finalizing or any other func-
tion, the program being recorded will
be lost or the disc may not be play-
able. Manufacturer can not guaran-
tee against loss of program or disc
should this occur. To start recording
again, re-format the disc or use a
new disc and follow the instruction
on recording.
Recording time
Approx. 60 min
Approx. 120 min
Approx. 240 min
Approx. 360 min
Can record high quality images.
Can record normal quality images.
Quality deteriorates slightly, but
recording time is longer.
Recording time is prioritized over
Because of characteristics peculiar
to digital video compression technol-
ogy, scenes with fast motion may
appear as a matrix of larger blocks.
The unauthorized recording, use,
distribution, or revision of television
programs, videotapes, DVDs and
other materials, is prohibited under
the Copyright Laws of the United
States and other countries, and
may subject you to civil and/or
criminal liability.
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