
12 © 2008 directed electronics—all rights reserved
Symptom Probable Cause Action To Take
Poor bass response
Crossover set incorrectly Reset crossovers. Refer to the Internal Cross-
over Confi guration section of this manual for
detailed instructions.
Impedance load at amplifi er is
too low.
Check speaker impedance load if below 2Ω,
rewire speakers to achieve higher impedance
Battery fuse blowing
Short in power wire or incor-
rect wiring.
Check power wires and ground connections
and repair or replace as needed.
Fuse used is smaller than rec-
Replace with proper fuse size.
Actual current exceeds fuse
Check speaker impedance load if below 2Ω,
rewire speakers to achieve higher impedance
Amplifi er fuse blowing
Fuse used is smaller than rec-
Replace with proper fuse size.
Impedance load at amplifi er is
too low.
Check speaker impedance load if below 2Ω,
rewire speakers to achieve higher impedance
Speaker is blown with shorted
Check system with known working speakers
and fi x or replace as needed.
Actual current exceeds fuse
Check speaker impedance load if below 2Ω,
rewire speakers to achieve higher impedance