Application Guide

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Technical support:
A: The reason is that the IP address of video encoder ( and IP address of router/PC /laptop are
not in the same network segment, so you can’t communicate each other. In order to log in the control web
of video encoder, you need to change the IP address of PC (laptop) first.
Q: After changed the IP, I still can’t login the control web of the encoder by new IP
A: First, after all sets, you need “reboot” the encoder. Confirmed you have done. Then, check Step 11,
Pls confirm your PC/Laptop have connected to the wide-area network. If you still can’t log in the
encoder, you can reset it, restart the setup again.
Q: All Settings are fine, but the streaming display is offline
A: check your DNS
ORIVISION Support team
Skype: bluejae126
Whatsapp: +86 186 6293 1735