User's Manual

Page 30
10.1.3 GPS operation test (Smartfind Plus only)
To comply with COSPAS-SARSAT regulations, the Smartfind Plus EPIRB is also
capable of checking the correct operation of the GPS receiver. This test consumes
significant reserve capacity of the EPIRB battery, consequently it can only be
performed a fixed number of times. It is recommended that this test is performed only
if the performance of the GPS receiver is suspect.
This test must be performed only in a location where the beacon may be expected to
acquire a GPS position – refer to page 12 for advice.
1. Press the TEST button until the red LED lights, then release the button. Wait
while the Self Test routine runs, then immediately the strobe flashes press
the TEST button and hold it down for about 15 seconds until the red LED
lights again. (If the strobe does not flash, the Self Test failed. In such a case,
this test cannot be performed.)
2. Provided that the Self Test was successful, the Smartfind Plus will start the
“Long GPS Self Test” mode. The buzzer will sound twice, the red LED will
stay lit and the green LED will begin to flash. The TEST button may be
released at this point.
3. This test takes 15 minutes to complete. During this time, do not shield the
EPIRB and do not stand over it.
4. If the GPS receiver acquires a position, the green LED will light continuously
and the buzzer will sound 10 times. If the receiver fails to acquire a position,
the red LED will light continuously and the buzzer will sound 10 times.
5. Whether the test passes or fails, the white strobe LEDs flash to indicate how
many Long GPS Self Test routines remain available.
If the EPIRB passes Self Test but fails the Long test, it is advisable to have it serviced.
It will still generate an alert in an emergency, but it may not provide GPS-precise
position information; this may delay a rescue, as the possible search area is much
NOTE: New beacons have 10 test cycles available. When the Smartfind Plus battery
is changed, it is the responsibility of the service agent to ensure that the Long Test
cycle counter is reset, as otherwise this test may not be available.
WARNING: While the EPIRB is running this test it cannot generate a distress alert.
(Once the test is complete the EPIRB returns to normal operation without any operator
intervention.) It is therefore recommended that this test is performed only under
conditions where an emergency is unlikely to arise.
If necessary, this test may be terminated (without performing the check) by holding
down the TEST button for approximately 5 seconds until the red LED goes out.