User's Manual

-Refer to the user manual for more about how to use a single-use needle.
- Reportez-vous au manuel d'utilisation pour en savoir plus sur l'utilisation d'une aiguille à
usage unique.
5. How to dismount the cartridge
A. Press the button at the bottom of cartridge.
B. When the ample pops up, separate it with hands.
C. You can disassemble the cartridge in the reverse order of assembly.
-Make sure to turn off the power before dismounting the cartridge.
- Assurez-vous de couper l'alimentation avant de démonter la cartouche.
6. How to fix the cover grip
A. Mount the cover grip (Standard type/Ring type) in the back of the main body.
B. After mounting it, slide it until you hear the clicking sound.
7. How to separate the cover grip
Cover Grip