Use Instructions

Be aware of the possibility that your sound processor may stop working without
notice. Keep this in mind when you depend on warning sounds (e.g. when you are
in traffic).
When wearing Ponto 5 Mini and an active implant
Caution must be taken with active implants. In general, follow the guidelines
recommended by manufacturers of implantable defibrillators and pacemakers
regarding use of mobile phones and magnets.
The sound processor contains a wireless transmitter. Please keep the sound
processor at least 15 cm away from the implant, e.g. do not carry it in a breast pocket.
When the sound processor is mounted on the head, the distance between the
sound processor and the implant is more than 15 cm.
The MultiTool (which has a built-in magnet) should be kept more than 30 cm away
from the implant, e.g. do not carry it in a breast pocket.