User's Manual

6. Using the telephone
When using the telephone tilt the receiver edge lightly on your
cheek-bone in order to let the sound flow directly into the hearing
instrument microphone opening. This way, the hearing instrument
will not whistle and you ensure the best conditions to understand
the conversation. When you have the receiver in this position,
remember to speak directly into the microphone on the telephone in
order to ensure good understanding in the opposite “end of the line”.
If your hearing instrument has a telecoil (and your telephone has a
built in tele-loop) you can switch into telecoil program in order to
improve the sound reception further.
Remember that the telecoil in hearing instruments may pick up
disturbing signals from electronic devices, such as a fax machines,
computers, televisions or similar. Make sure that the hearing
instrument has a distance of 2 – 3 meters to such devices when
using the telecoil program.