Quick Installation Guide

Oticon Radio Model - Quick Installation Guide
Radio Model Name: Oti
con BTE UP
Oticon A/S
Main +45 39 17 71 00
Kongebakken 9
Fax +45 39 27 79 00
DK-2765 Smørum
CVR-no. 42334219
The Oticon BTE UP radio model contains two radio transceivers running at 3.84 MHz and 2.4 GHz and both implemented on a single hardware platform.
The radio model is implemented in an engine module mounted on the main PCB with connections to the antennas, the microphones, the speaker and the
battery terminals.
The 3.84 MHz radio is a low power, short range, inductive radio transceiver working at a single channel at 3.84 MHz using MSK modulation with 320 kbit/s
data rate and connected to a small coil antenna. The 2.4 GHz radio is a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transceiver using GFSK modulation with 1 Mbit/s data
rate also capable of proprietary receiver modes with higher data rates and connected to a short PCB antenna.

Summary of content (5 pages)