User's Manual

Table Of Contents
About the A725 addSDI
Chapter 1. Introduction
This manual explains the hardware aspects of Adcon’s A725
addSDI Remote Telemetry Units, including installation issues and
certain parameter configurations. The manual is divided as follows:
"Introduction," which contains some general information and
document conventions.
"Using the A725 RTU," which details the installation and use
of the Remote Telemetry Unit.
"Specifications," which describes operating parameters for the
About the A725 addSDI
The A725 Remote Telemetry Unit—RTU (commercial trademark
) is a low power, short range telemetry device, capable of
operating SDI-12 compatible sensors.
The frequency of operation is in the 432 to 470 MHz range, mak-
ing it compliant to most radio communication regulations in the
world. The output power is under 10 mW, while the modulation is
narrow band FM (12.5 or 25 kHz channel spacing).
Due to its construction, as well as to the software controlling it, the
power consumption is extremely low. The unit operates from a
built in 6.2 Volt rechargeable battery, which is charged either using
a solar panel or an external power supply adapter. A special con-
figuration may be implemented where no internal battery is used,
but the power is obtained exclusively over an external connector.
The SDI-12 bus is also powered by the internal 6.2 Volt battery,
therefore the attached SDI-12 sensors must be able to work within