User's Manual

Using terminal commands
17 the value from the RTU’s internal battery voltage sensor (raw
values are in the range of 0 to 4095, which describe voltage
levels from 0 to 20 Volts)
When any non-default routing of analog inputs was active when a data frame was
sampled and saved, this is indicated in the data frame’s digibyte in bit number 4
(value 16).
EXAMPLE Show which analog input is routed to which position in the data frame:
26151 ANRT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0
(This example shows the default output of the ANRT command.)
Route the internal temperature sensor value (16) to the position of analog 0 in the
data frame:
ANRT 0 16
26151 ANRT 0
CAUTION New analog routings will not take effect immediately, but after the current data slot
is saved by the device.
Note: The last digit in the command reply is the status code (in this case 0, which means:
successful completion of the command).
A731 A733A732 A733GSM
ESCRIPTION Returns data stored for a certain device.
PARAMETER The ID of the device for which the data is requested and the date/time (in the
standard format) the data was stored. If missing, it refers to the data of the local
ETURNS A data block.
EMARKS GET only. If the date/time parameter is not included, the latest data is returned. If
the date/time parameter is included, the date and time closest to, but later than, the
given date/time is returned.
REMOTE Yes, for a GET, but only one frame at a time. The A733 can issue the command
only for itself, locally.
XAMPLE DATA 9193 1/3/2000 12:12:12
9193 DATA b1 b2 b3 ... bn 0
The data block returned typically contains a number of data frames (telegrams).
The structure of a block is as follows:
The data block returned typically contains a number of data frames (telegrams).
The structure of a block is as follows:
dd mm yyyy hh mm ss si ft d1 d2 ... dn dd mm yyyy ... dn cs