User's Manual

Performing Advanced Functions
RETURNS Result: a list of current status parameters. The list is self-explanatory.
EMARKS GET only. Valid for the A733GSM RTU only.
GSM modem on: Yes
SIM card found: Yes
PIN set: Yes
PIN accepted: Yes
Sleepmode OK: Yes
PUK required: No
Default IMEI nr: No
Attempts left to enter PIN: 3, PUK: 10
Note: The A733GSM RTU can be called via the GSM interface from a standard modem.
The command line interface is therefore remotely accessible. In this respect, many
commands that are otherwise as not remotely accessible can be in fact accessed
3.5 Notifications
Notifications are frames sent asynchronously by devices that are otherwise slaves.
The notifications are received by a device closest to the host and then sent to the
host. If the host is not available, the receiving device will store the notification and
wait until it is questioned by the host. At this point, it will inform the host that it has
a notification. It is then the task of the host to issue a command to read the
respective notification.
Before a device can issue a notification, the notification must first be enabled.
Special frames are used to this end, depending on the notification type. If an end
device is not able to send a notification due to radio propagation or other kinds of
communication problems, it will store the date/ time when the notification took
place. As soon as the communication is re-established, the device will try to send
the notification again.
Note: To avoid collisions, the device will wait a random time (up to 10 seconds) before
sending the notification frame.
The following notifications are currently implemented for the A733 device:
NOPC—Notification On Port Change (see “PORT” on page 33);
NOTR—Notification On Threshold Reached (see “ANLG” on page 26).
Note: The A733GSM RTU currently does not suppport notifications.
3.6 Returned errors list
Following are error messages you might get.