Use and Care Manual

Sear the sweet potato slices at moderate
temperature on Meat-O-Meter stage 2 on
both sides until they’ve turned golden-brown
in color. Coat with olive oil and season with
fresh herbs, coarse sea salt and pepper.
Then, carve the dry-aged Ribeye across the
grain and also season with coarse sea salt.
Serve with the grilled sweet potato slices on
a country-style wooden board for the right
looks. And now: enjoy!
Take the ribeyes out of the fridge one hour
before you plan on grilling them. Let it reach
room temperature to achieve a uniform
cooking process.
In the meantime, cook the unpeeled sweet
potatoes in salt water for 10 to 15 minutes.
The tubers shouldn’t get too soft, because
otherwise they will fall apart on the grill. Cool
down and cut into slices.
Chop thyme and fresh rosemary. Remove
the core of the bell pepper and cut into slices.
For the perfect ribeye the Otto Lite should
be preheated onto maximum temperature.
That takes about three minutes. Keep the
grill grate out off the grill, so the ribeye
doesn’t get precooked on the hot grid.
Crucial when grilling meat: the right tem-
perature. Only when the grill is really hot you
will trigger the so-called “Maillard reaction”.
Amino acids react with sugar and this way
give your steak a nice crust. Read more
about the Maillard reaction on Otto’s Blog.
Insert the grill grate in the highest possible
insert and grill Ribeye.
Set the Meat-O-Me-
ter on stage 1 and grill the
Ribeye at 1500°F
for 1 minute on each side.
This applies if your steak is about one inch
thick. If it’s bigger, use a meat thermometer
for the best outcome. Your desired core tem-
perature would be between 125 and 131°F.
Afterwards, remove the ribeye from the grill
grate and let it rest. This gives the meat juices
the chance to redistribute themselves within
the meat again.
Read the article “Grilling the perfect steak”
on our website for more steak know-how.
It may be the case that the temperature of
your new Otto Lite turns out a little bit higher
than indicated in Otto’s recipes the first few
times you use it on specific burner settings.
This is simply because the surfaces are still
especially shiny and highly reflective. The con-
ditions that exist when grilling, such as wind or
weather may make it necessary to adjust the
adjustment knobs or grilling position in order
to achieve the desired cooking temperature.
In order to always be on the safe side and to
ensure that your product is cooked as desired,
We recommend the use of a meat thermometer.