Instructions / Assembly

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Page 6
4. Prior to feeding Part C - Aluminum Wings
and Canopy into track, locate Lubricant in
Hardware Pack and apply a small amount to top
of each wheel. Spin wheel slowly to lubricate
entire surface. Complete all wheels.
Part C
3. Align and attach second Canopy Track
directly underneath lowering cleats as per
Step 2. Position track end flush against post
opposite to Wing Stop as illustrated above.
Use 5 - 1 1/4” Torq Screws to secure. When
screwing into track, drill with 1/4” bit first and
and angle screw into cleat.
1 - 1 1/4” Torq Screw.
4 - 1 1/4” Torx
Screws per
track. Pre-drill
track first with
1/4” bit included.