Use and Care Manual

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Page 7
9. Locate Door Header (E) and place between Side Wall framing with dado cut facing down and to
the front.
Header (E)
Dado cut to
front, facing
Aligned flush at
front and top
10. Prior to
attaching Door
Header, drill 2
pilot holes with
1/8” drill bit
through Side Walls
and into the end of
Header. Have
your helper hold
Header and Wall
steady. Secure
with 2 - 2 1/2”
screws per side.
11. Place Plywood Roof (F) on Wall Framing and Door Header. Align evenly from side to side. At the
front, recess Roof slightly. See Step 12 for close up of front Roof alignment. When correctly positioned,
screw to framing with 6 - 1 1/4” screws. Note: Be sure screws do not come through Door Header.
Plywood Roof (F)
You will want Front Corner Trim (P) to cover
screws in Step 24. Use Trim to confirm screw
1 1/4” screws