
33. Complete all three Porch Rafter/Post assemblies as per Step 32.
Side Porch Rail Section
34. Position Side Porch Rail on the Porch Post
3 1/2” up from the floor. Attach to Porch Post with
3 - 2 1/2” screws making sure to position Rail
evenly on Porch Post. Attach Porch Rail to
Corner Wide Trim with 3 - 2 1/2” screws, once
again aligning evenly on Corner Trim.
Secure Porch Posts to floor by toe-nailing or
angle screwing 4 - 2 1/2” screws on an angle
from Porch Post into Floor. Drill pilot holes to
prevent wood from splitting. Porch Post should sit
flush with outside of Deck Boards (some variation
may occur).
Rail should be positioned 3 1/2” from floor. Use
Rail Support Block from Step 49 to confirm height.
3 - 2 1/2”
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