User's Manual

Playing Content
Playing Content
This chapter describes the various options for displaying videos, pictures and
applications on the Retail Tablet.
What Does the Tablet Play?
The Retail Tablet runs standard Android applications (apk) using Android OS 2.3.
Video Formats: The Retail Tablet plays the following video formats:
Divx4 / Divx5 / Divx6
Image Formats: The Retail Tablet displays the following image formats:
You may refer to thecation
to download the latest Retail Tablet specication sheet.
How Does the Tablet Play?
The following describes the various options for displaying videos, pictures and
applications (Android apk) on the Retail Tablet.
Default AutoPlay – Folder 0
The Retail Tablet disk drive contains a Root folder that can contain sub-folders. By
default, the tablet plays the content of a folder named 0. This folder is located in
the Root folder.
If Folder 0 contains multiple content les, then each is played one after the other
in the order in which they were added to the Retail Tablet.
Video les are played one after another.
Image les are each displayed for three seconds.
Applications continue running until there has been no user interaction for over
three minutes or if you exit the application by quickly pressing the Home button. If
you place an application in Folder 0, then it should be the only le in that folder.
For example, if a folder contains an image le and two video les in the following