Owner's Manual Power Amplifier 770, 755

Outlaw Audio
Owner’s Manual
Model 770/755 Multi-Channel Power Amplier
Owner’s Manual
Please Read First
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove the cover (or back). No
user serviceable parts inside. Refer to qualied personnel.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of re or electric shock, do not expose this appliance
to rain or moisture.
The lightning ash with arrowhead, within an equilateral triangle, is
intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous volt-
age” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufcient magnitude to
constitute a risk of electrical shock to persons.
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert
the user to the presence of important operating maintenance (servicing)
instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.
Verify The Line Voltage
Your new amplier has been factory congured for 120 (+/- 3%) volt AC lines. Connecting
the amplier to a line voltage other than that for which it is intended can create a safety
and re hazard, and may damage the amplier. If you have any questions about the volt-
age requirements for your specic model, or about the line voltage in your area, contact
Outlaw Audio before plugging the unit into a wall outlet.
Verify AC Circuit Capacity
The high power output of your Outlaw amplier may require heavy power draw under
full load conditions. To insure proper performance, and to avoid potential safety hazards,
we recommend that it be connected to a minimum 20 Amp capacity circuit. Connecting
multiple ampliers to the same circuit, or connecting it to a circuit used by other heavy
power devices, such as air conditioners, may cause circuit breakers to trip.
NOTE: It is always a good idea to avoid using any audio or video equipment on the
same AC circuit as equipment with motors, such as air conditioners or refrigerators.
This will lessen the possibility of power variation and electrical start-up noise affecting
your sound system.
Extension Cords and Power Strips
We do not recommend that extension cords be used with this product unless they are of
sufcient gauge to pass the necessary current during full load conditions. Most inexpensive
extension cords are not capable of such high-current loads.
Similarly, should you use a power strip, surge protector or any type of AC power line con-
ditioning equipment, make certain that it is also able to handle the high current loads
this product will produce.
Handle the AC Power Cord Gently
When disconnecting the power cord from an AC outlet, always pull the plug, never pull the
cord. If you do not intend to use the amplier for any considerable length of time, disconnect
the plug from the AC outlet. If the power cord is replaced, make certain that it is of similar
gauge. As with all electrical devices, do not run power cords under rugs or carpets or place
heavy objects on them. Damaged power cords should be replaced immediately with cords
meeting factory specications.
Cables that are run inside of walls should have the appropriate markings to indicate com-
plaince with, and listing by the UL , CSA or other standards required by the UL, CSA, NEC or
your local building. Questions about cables inside of walls should be referred to a qualied
customer installer, or a licensed electrician or low-voltage contractor.
Installation Location
To assure proper operation and to avoid the potential for safety hazards, place the unit on a
rm and level surface capable of supporting 100 pounds or more. When placing the amplier
on a shelf, be certain that the shelf and any mounting hardware can support the weight of
the amplier and any additional items in the equipment rack, or on the shelf.
When positioning the amplier in its nal location, make certain that it has adequate
ventilation on all sides, as well as on the top and bottom. In particular, it is a good idea
to provide at least two or three inches of room above the amplier for air circulation. DO
NOT place CDs, DVDs, videotapes, owner’s manuals, or other paper on top of, or beneath,
the unit, or in-between multiple ampliers in a stack. This will block airow, causing heat
build-up, degraded performance, and may create a possible re hazard.
If the unit is to be enclosed in a cabinet or rack, make certain there is adequate air circulation.
Sufcient ventilation should be provided so that hot air may exit, and cool air may enter the
cabinet. In some instances, a small cooling fan may be required to insure adequate airow
through the cabinet. If you are in doubt as to the ventilation requirements for your specic
installation, please contact us. Also, do not place the amplier directly on a carpeted surface,
as this will inhibit airow underneath as well as create a potential re hazard.
Avoid installation in humid locations, in extremely hot or cold locations, or in areas that
are exposed to direct sunlight or space heating equipment.
Loudspeaker Ratings
Your Outlaw Power Amplier has adequate power to drive most loudspeakers without
producing any distortion. Most modern speakers are rated at four to eight ohms nominal
impedance, but within some frequency ranges, the impedance may drop to two ohms. The
Outlaw is designed with ample power reserves to protect you from experiencing any problems
at these low impeadances unless you demand excessively high volume levels.
Due to the high power output capability of your power amplier, it is important that it not
be used with speakers not capable of handling the amplier’s power output. Before using the
amplier for the rst time, make certain that your speakers are capable of handling its rated
power output, at the impedance rating of your speakers. Outlaw Audio is not responsible for
damage to any speaker system or other component that is caused by using products whose
power rating is lower than that of the amplier.
Do Not Open The Cabinet
There are no user serviceable components inside this product. Opening the cabinet may
present a shock hazard, and any modication to the product will void your guarantee. If
water or any metal object, such as a paper clip, coin or a staple, accidentally falls inside
the unit, disconnect it from the AC power source immediately, and contact Outlaw Audio
for further instructions.
Before connecting a new component such as power amplier to your audio or home the-
ater system it is always good practice to make certain that all components are turned off,
and preferably unplugged from their AC power source. Many modern electronics products
feature automatic turn-on circuits that may be activated during an installation, causing
the potential for damage to electronic components and/or speakers. Such damage is not
covered by product warranties and Outlaw Audio specically disclaims responsibility for
any such damage.
For Future Reference
Record your amplier’s serial number and date of purchase here. It is found on the
back panel.
Model Number
Serial Number
Date of Purchase