User's Manual

3. Configuring the AC.TOP
To prepare your PC for management with the AC.TOP, please do the following:
1. Connect your PC directly to the LAN port of AC.TOP
2. Set your PC’s IP address manually to (or other address in the same
You are ready now to configure the AC.TOP using your PC.
3.3 Introduction to IP Finder
The AC.TOP provides IP Finder utility and you can get into web management easily. IP
Finder is included in the CD. Just click and follow the step by step instruction to install.
While entering the IP Finder utility, the IP Finder will automatically search the AP available
on the network. IP Finder will show the Device Name, IP Address, HTTP Port, and Ethernet
MAC Address.
Before start using IP Finder, make sure you disable personal firewall installed in your PC.
(Ex. Windows XP personal firewall)
11 AirLive AC.TOP User’s Manual