User's Manual

How to fix it?
If the cells move during acquisition, please check if the BioConnect tubes are properly inserted inside
the pinch valves.
If large aggregates are visible in the “Live” image, and if the automatic flush wizard does not make
them disappear, it is recommended to stop the monitoring and start a manual flush (duration = 30
Remark: If the cells move during the acquisition whereas the Bioconnect tubes are properly inserted inside the
pinch valves, please contact Ovizio support (
How to prevent it?
To prevent the “Blurry images” issue, it is recommended to check the installation of the BioConnect tubes
before starting a monitoring.
Following items should be checked too :
Are the tubings correctly welded ?
Try decreasing the rocking speed or tilt angle of the rocking motion platform.
Check if the dip tube entry point is remaining submersed into the liquid.
Fluidic issue Non Uniform Count detection
OsOne informs the user that a potential fluidic issue could have occurred during the monitoring. This alarm was
triggered because the cell count values are not uniform from one recorded image to another.
If the BioConnect tubes are not properly inserted inside the pinch valves during the monitoring, it is
possible that the cells move during the acquisition, making the recorded images blurry.
Large aggregates in the images.
This alarm is triggered during the monitoring, when OsOne completed the computation of the last recorded