Operation Manual

Copyright OXX Digital 2007
Supported file types
The media player allows you to play audio
files that are stored on a networked PC, using
Windows 2000 or Win XP.
The following file formats are supported:
DRM encrypted files cannot be played
back using the built-in media player. If you
try to play an encrypted file ‘Protected’
will be displayed. Most tracks purchased
from online music stores are encrypted
and therefore cannot be played using your
WI-FI Radio.
Setting up your PC
Windows XP Pro users should select the
simple file sharing option from Windows
Explorer (for further information refer to
the help system supplied with Windows
XP Pro). If your PC is not configured to
use simple file sharing or you are using
Windows 2000, please refer to “Windows
2000 Users” on page 23.
To enable your WI-FI radio to playback your
audio files, you need to share the folder in
which they are stored.
To setup your shared folders complete the
following procedure on your computer:
1. Open ‘My Computer’ from the ‘Start’
2. Browse to the folder where your audio
files are stored.
3. Using the mouse, right click on the
folder and select ‘Sharing and
4. In the ‘Network sharing and security’
section, select the ‘Share this folder on
the network’ button and enter a share
name. An example is shown below
using Win XP.
‘Allow network users to change my
files’ must also be selected.
5. Click the ‘Apply’ button.
6. Click the ‘OK’ button to close the
7. The folder icon will change, to visually
show you that the folder is shared.
Using the Media Player