User Manual

The Easikey 1000
17047 Ver 1.8 DRAFT C 3 Easikey® 1000
2.3.3 Door Monitoring Alarms
Each door may be monitored through a Door Contact switch. This enables the system to
generate the following alarms:
Unauthorised Access Alarms. These are generated when a door is opened without a
valid key being presented or a request to exit signal being received.
Door Left Open Warnings. These are generated when the door is held open for longer
than the Door Open Time. It should be noted that the Door Open Time starts after the Lock
Release Time has expired.
2.3.4 Time Profiles
Both doors and personnel can be assigned time profiles. A door can be programmed to open,
for example, between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday, but require a key outside those
hours. Similarly, a time profile can be assigned to a key which will only allow it to be used on
certain days and at certain times. Up to 8 different time profiles can be created; each
containing up to 3 time periods.
2.3.5 Printer Facilities
The Easikey 1000 door controller keeps a record of the most recent 1000 transactions. When a
printer is connected, any stored transactions are printed first with subsequent transactions
being printed as they happen. If the printer is switched off, or otherwise disconnected, the
transactions are stored and will be printed out from the point at which printing stopped when the
printer is reconnected.
In addition, while in Editor mode, the database information, keys, time profiles and door
information and the movements of individual keys can be printed.
The only action the user need take is to ensure that the printer is kept supplied with paper and
does not jam.