User Manual

Adding and Voiding Keys
17047 Ver 1.8 DRAFT C 30 Easikey® 1000
11. Adding and Voiding Keys
11.1 Key Numbers
A key, when added into the system, is given a number between 0001 and 1000. Normally when
a key is added it will be given the first available number in the list. For example, if a system
contained keys 0001, 0002, 0003, 0004 and 0006, the next key added would be given number
0005, the following keys would be 0007, 0008 and so on. However, it is possible to override the
automatic number and give a key a specific number, provided the number is not already in use -
see Section 11.2.3.
It is important to keep a record of key numbers issued (on the Programming Worksheet) as it
may be necessary to void a lost key at a later date, in which case the number given to the key
must be known.
11.2 Access Levels and Time Profiles
Each key added to the system can be assigned an access level and a time profile. This defines
which doors the key is allowed through and at what times and days the key can be used.
If you decide to use access levels and/or time profiles, it is a good idea to group all keys with
the same access requirements together as this makes adding blocks of keys much easier.
11.2.1 Access Levels
A key may be allowed access to door 1 only, door 2 only, both doors or neither door. Allowing a
key access to neither door can be useful when a key is lost or stolen. Rather than using VOID it
may be better to lock the key out then, if a printer is fitted, there will be a record if an attempt is
made to use the key.
When adding or editing a key, the access level is displayed as two dots on the right of the
display, the left half of the display indicating time profile. If the first dot is lit, that key will have
access to door 1, the second dot indicates access to door 2 (see Figure 17). If neither dot is lit,
the key is locked out.
11.2.2 Time Profiles
A key may be restricted to which days and at what times it may be used. This is done by
assigning one of 8 different time profiles to the key. If a key is assigned a time profile of 0, there
will be no time restriction at all; it will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
See Section 12 for more details on how to create and use time profiles.
Time Profile set to 2
Green LED flashing, Adding a key
Access to door 2 only
Figure 17 How the System Displays Access Level and Time Profile When Adding a Key