User Manual

15263 Ver 2.1 DRAFT E PAC Portico 2200/1200 Series Installation Guide
Page 64 © 2003 Blick USA, Inc.
8. Testing
This section describes how to test each reader channel and lock output, where applicable.
Ensure that the system is not in Engineering mode. To leave Engineering mode, see Section 7.1.
8.1 Checking Reader Channels
Connect reader channel 1:
Present the master key (added to the system when you carried out a system start - see Section
6.3.5) to reader 1. 1 should appear on the right of the display. Presenting the master to reader 2 if
fitted. 2 should appear on the right of the display.
Operate the Request to Exit switch, if fitted. RT should appear on the controller display while the
switch is closed.
Operate the door contact, if fitted. DC should appear on the controller display while the contact is
Repeat for each reader channel.
Testing the reader channels can be done with a standalone “test” reader instead of using the actual
readers fitted to the controller before connecting to the six wire bus. This means that the controller
channels can be checked before the controller is taken on site to be installed.
8.2 Programming Readers and Locks
Having verified the operation of the readers and door inputs, now verify the lock operation. To do this,
program some values against each door using the following commands that are described in detail in
15267 PAC Portico 2200/1200 Series Door Controllers User Guide.
DC Command - Door Control
This command sets up lock sharing (two readers sharing the same lock output) and anti-passback.
D Command -Door Options
This command sets lock release time, door open time, time profile for automatic opening and lock mode
options such as fail-safe/fail-secure, etc.
1. As these will be required when the system is operational, it is sensible to use the correct
information for each door.
2. Ensure the system type of the controller is 0.
8.3 Testing Readers and Locks
If you used the SYSTEM START command described Section 6.3.4, the master key will have access
through all doors. You can now use this key to check the operation of readers and locks.
8.3.1 Readers
Present the key to each reader:
The green LED should light on the reader and remain on for the duration of the lock release time, 5
seconds or whatever other value you may have set.
The lock should operate for the duration of the lock release time.
The door controller should display the following (the numbers indicating which doors are open):
8.3.2 Request to Exit
Repeat the above using the Request to Exit switch, if fitted, to operate the lock instead of a key.