Operation Manual

Chapter 12. Plugins 126
12.3.6. Midiplay
To get MIDI file playback, a patchset is required. This file contains the instruments
required to synthesize the music. A sample patchset is available through the wiki at
ZPluginMidiPlay, and needs to be extracted to the .rockbox directory in the root of
your player. There should now be a /.rockbox/patchset/ directory, with the patchset
directory containing several .pat files and two .cfg files. Just select a MIDI file with
either the .mid or .midi extension in the file browser to start playback.
Key Action
Scroll Up/ Scroll
Volume up/ Volume down
Next/ Prev Skip 3 seconds forward/ backward
Play Pause/Resume playback
Rec Stop playback and quit
12.3.7. MPEG Player
The Mpeg Player is a video player plugin capable of playing back MPEG-1 and MPEG-2
video streams with MPEG audio multiplexed into .mpg files.
To play a video file, you just select it in the Rockbox File Browser. If your file
does not have the .mpg extension but is encoded in the supported format, you will need
to use the Open With... context menu option and choose mpegplayer.
Key Action
Play Pause / Resume
Long Play Stop
Scroll Up /
Scroll Down
Adjust volume up / down
Prev / Next Rewind / Fast Forward
Menu Open the MPEG Player menu
When a video file is selected, the Start Menu will be displayed, unless it is disabled
via the Resume Options (see below). In the latter case the video will start playing
Start Menu
Play from beginning Resume information is discarded and the video plays from the
The Rockbox manual (version 3.10) Packard Bell Vibe 500