Operation Manual

Chapter 12. Plugins 131
Default keys
Key Action
OK Scroll-up
Cancel Scroll-down
Prev Top of file (Narrow mode) / One screen
left (Wide mode)
Next Bottom of file (Narrow mode) / One
screen right (Wide mode)
Scroll Up One line up
Scroll Down One line down
Play Toggle autoscroll
Power Set/Reset bookmarks
Menu Enter menu
Rec Exit text viewer
Return Return to the file being viewed.
Viewer Options Change settings for the current file.
Encoding Set the codepage in the text viewer. Available settings: ISO-8859-1
(Latin 1). ISO-8859-7 (Greek), ISO-8859-8 (Hebrew), CP1251 (Cyrillic),
ISO-8859-11 (Thai), CP1256 (Arabic), ISO-8859-9 (Turkish), ISO-8859-
2 (Latin Extended), CP1250 (Central European), SJIS (Japanese), GB-
2312 (Simple Chinese), KSX-1001 (Korean), BIG5 (Traditional Chinese),
UTF-8 (Unicode), This setting only applies to the plugin and is independent
from the Default Codepage setting (see section 8.4 (page 63)).
Word Wrap Toggle word wrap mode.
On Break lines at the maximum column limit.
Off (Chop Words) Break lines at white space or hyphen.
Line Mode Change how lines are displayed.
Normal Break lines at newline characters.
Join Join lines together.
Expand Add a blank line at newlines. Useful for making paragraphs clearer
in some book style text files.
Reflow Lines Justify the text.
Screens Per Page Set the number of screens per page. Available options are 1 to
5 screens per page.
The Rockbox manual (version 3.10) Packard Bell Vibe 500