Operation Manual

Chapter 12. Plugins 150
Folder List Editor Keys
Key Action
Next or OK Delete selected folder
Long Menu Bring up the context menu which allows
you to remove the selected folder or its
entire folder tree
Prev or Cancel Exit
12.4.15. Resistor Calculator
Figure 12.52.: Resistor calculator
The resistor calculator is a plugin that works in 3 modes:
Colour to Resistance
In Colour to Resistance mode, use the menus to select the colours of the bands of a
resistor which you would like to know the resistance of.
Resistance to Colour
In Resistance to Colour mode, use the menus to select the unit that you would like to
use (choose from Ohms, Kiloohms, Megaohms), and use the on-screen keyboard to input
the value of the resistor that you would like to know the colour code of. The colour codes
are presented graphically and textually.
LED resistance
LED resistance calculator is used to determine the resistor necessary to light an LED
safely at a given voltage. First, select the voltage that the LED will use (the first
option is the most common and a safe bet), and the current that it will draw (likewise
with the first option). Then, use the onscreen keyboard to type in the supply voltage
The Rockbox manual (version 3.10) Packard Bell Vibe 500