Operation Manual

Chapter 12. Plugins 153
Brush speed Changes the speed at which the selection cursor moves when you hold
down a movement button.
Brush size Allows you to adjust the drawing size of the pencil tool.
Choose colour Allows you to manually edit the foreground colour. You can edit the
RBG and/or the HSV values.
Grid size Allows you to show or hide a grid over the canvas, and to specify its size.
Exit Exits Rockpaint.
Warning: BE CAREFUL. Rockpaint will NOT prompt you to save if you select Exit,
so any unsaved changes will be lost.
Key Action
Rec Quits Rockpaint immediately.
Prev / Next /
Scroll Up /
Scroll Down
Moves the cursor around.
Menu Displays the Main Menu.
OK Displays the toolbar.
Play Toggles the brush and selects objects.
12.4.17. Stats
Figure 12.54.: The stats-plugin
The stats plugin counts the directories and files (the total number as well as the number
of audio, playlist, image and video files) on your player. Press Rec to abort counting
and exit the plugin. Press it again to quit after counting has finished.
The Rockbox manual (version 3.10) Packard Bell Vibe 500